


Up to 5000 monthly page views

AI and hand-picked recommendations

Visual editor


Conversion tracking

Limited email support


$24.95 USD

Up to 25,000 monthly page views

Everything in Starter plus:

Email recommendations

Online support


$79.95 USD

Up to 100,000 monthly page views

Everything in Essential plus:

Concierge onboarding

Monthly performance report

Priority support


$249.95 USD

Up to 1,000,000 monthly page views

Everything in Growth plus:

Priority phone and Zoom support

Custom feature and integration development


Contact Us

Over 1,000,000 monthly page views

If you are doing over 1M page views every calendar month, please contact us. We will work out special pricing to handle your high volume of traffic and enhanced availability requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What counts as a page view?

Recommendify places a script tag on your storefront. Whenever this script tag is loaded, a page view is counted.

Why are plans based on page views?

It's the fairest way. Small stores with low traffic don't stress our servers and can't afford expensive apps. Large stores serving millions of customers a month stress our servers a lot and make a lot of money from us. Unfortunately, some stores also tried to game the old pricing model by deleting their products, installing the app, then reimporting their products.

What happens if page views exceed my current plan?

If page views exceed the allocation of your plan, recommendations will stop showing on your store. If it looks like it's going to happen, we will send you an automated email reminding you to upgrade.

What does 'monthly page views' mean?

Page views are counted per calendar month, not per 30-day Shopify billing period. This is because stores on the Starter plan are not billed. We start counting when you install the app.

Is there a free trial?

All paid plans come with a 14-day free trial. That means if you select a plan today, you will not be charged for 2 weeks.

Why have prices gone up now?

We have not raised prices since 2017. To make sure that Recommendify is worth working on for the owners, and that it will exist in the future, we need to raise them now.

I'm on a legacy plan based on the number of products. Can I stay on it?

We are contacting all customers on legacy plans to ask them to migrate to new plans. Legacy plans will stop working on January 1, 2023.

My store is doing over 1M page views. How much is it going to cost?

You'll need to contact us for pricing. We will be happy to work something out with loyal customers.

Ready to increase your sales?

Let's talk about driving sales for your brand with AI-based personalized recommendations.